Products: Low Pressure Gas Filters

Product Overview
Admiral's in-line tee-type gas filters are designed to effectively and efficiently remove solids such as dust, dirt, pipe scale and other foreign matter from a process gas stream in a compressed gas system.
The filter housings are designed in accordance with ASME Code Section VIII, Div. 1 criteria for a pressure of 175 psig at 200°F.
Welded construction of 304 stainless steel is used as standard material for strength, minimum weight and maximum configuration flexibility within specified envelope dimensions. Other types of material are optional.
Admiral's pleated element design provides low pressure drop, extended filtering area and long intervals between servicing, resulting in a more lightweight filter assembly with greater dirt holding capacity. The element is cleanable and available in 50 to 2 microns nominal (98% efficiency) solids retention range. Element collapse pressure is
greater than 150 psid. Each filter is provided with a mechanical differential pressure pop-up indicator to indicate cleaning is required. O-Rings are provided for all sealing surfaces.
- Designed to ASME Code Section VIII
- Delta P, pop-up indicator
- Pressure 175 psig at 2000°F
- O-Ring seal-Nitrile, Viton
- Inlet/Outlet arrangement - 180 degrees
- Mounting brackets - optional
- Cleanable or disposable elements available
- Low pressure drop
- Large dirt holding capacity
- Long element life
- Positive O-Ring seals
- Service without disturbing pipe connections
- Low total cost